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Consequences of Laptop Overheating | Laptop Overheating

Consequences of Laptop Overheating

Overheating can reduce the life of your laptop. Excessive overheating can destroy sensitive electronic components.

But wait - it gets worse. In unusual but well documented cases, physical damage to very important areas of your body can result from contact with the overheated laptop computer. In a case reported in the prestigious British medical journal Lancet, a scientist suffered burns to his penis as a result of resting an overheated laptop on his lap, even though he was fully clothed. Another study reported that use of laptops in laps can cause reduced fertility in men due to the increasing of testicular temperatures.

In the normal case, however, it is your laptop or notebook that suffers shortened life from overheating. Excessive heat can damage sensitive electronic components and dramatically shorten the life of you notebook or laptop computer. Ignoring a problem with an overheating laptop invites more significant problems down the road.